Many professionals struggle with stress and lack of focus in the workplace, leading to reduced productivity, increased mistakes, and overall decreased well-being.
Proper breathing and awareness can work wonders for both employees and companies.
At BreatheNautics, we teach people how to use their breath as a powerful tool. We explain how the breath works, what muscles are involved, and how to gain awareness of the breath.

Improve your breath awareness and learn highly effective breathing exercises in our 6-hour course.
Reduce stress and get more focus and energy with just your own breath!
Together we’ll upgrade the breath to something we understand, and learn to use it to our advantage.
Do you want to experience less stress, more mental clarity, focus and energy? Do you have colleagues who might be interested as well? Then this course is for your team/department/project!
Interested? Get in touch! Hope to see you soon.
Benefits for the employee:
More energy, less stress, better focus and improved health.
Benefits for the company:
All of the above
Increased value of the individuals.
(less sick days, higher productivity, better decision-making)
Great team-building activity.
win – win
Please tell your colleagues and manager about us!
Employers / managers:
Please inform yourself by keep on reading, ask us any questions you might have and let’s make it happen.

- Duration of the course: 10 days.
- Time investment: 6 hours in total. This includes 2 live sessions of 2 hours each, and 10 minutes of homework each day (for 10 days).
- Location: the 2 live sessions will be held on-site at your business.
- Language: Dutch or English.
On the first day, we kick off with the first live session. Just arrive as you are – no preparation needed. We’ll meet, get to know each other, and learn the fundamentals of breathing. We’ll discuss some theory, but we’ll mainly practice with this beautiful tool called the breath.
From now on, you’ll have 10 minutes of homework each day. You’ll work on breath awareness and do some conscious breathing exercises – just 10 minutes a day, you got this!
After a week, we’ll meet again for the second and final live session. We’ll talk about what has changed and dive a bit deeper. We’ll cover some new theory and then focus on when and how to use the breath to our advantage – primarily during working hours, but why not enjoy all the benefits outside of work as well?
Just 3 more days of homework, and your breathing will never be the same…
In October, we ran the Breathwork for work pilot together with Alfa Accountants. The course was very well received and with their feedback as new input, we have improved the course for 2025.
Interested? Get in touch! Hope to see you soon.